BaZhen - Botanical Beverage Mix Black Dates and 8 Herbs
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Novavita Venture - Ba Zhen

Botanical Beverage Mix Black Dates & 8 Herbs

A Fast, effective way to increase your energy levels. This products belongs to the beauty supplement category.It is in the form ofliquid. Convenience, fast-acting, easy to digest and well absorbed by body for full effect. Contains collagen-boosting ingredients that help stimulate your body's natural collegen, elastin and keratin production for smoother, more supple complexion and Asisn firm, youthful-looking skin appearance.

It is recommended to be consumed once a day, 5 pumps (1g) at a time or as needed to achieve the effect of beauty and anti-aging enchancement after taking it 90 days.Ingredients

Aqua, Glycerine, Extract of Black Dates, Radix Codonopsis, Rehmannia Glutinosa, Fu Ling , Bai Shu, Gan Chao, Liqusticum Chuanxiong, White Peony, Dan Gui.


Spray 4-5 times or as needed to improve overall health




Novavita 八珍就是您的最佳选择~男女都适合饮用!


对于女性周期后,恢复元气达到粉嫩气色的状态,也能帮助面色苍白及头晕耳眩的症状补气养血。同时,还可消除疲劳提升精力! 相对起传统苦味的八珍汤,即饮八珍的味道带些清甜,而且没有苦味,较为美味,更能广泛被大众接受。 经期后就靠它来补血,向气虚头晕说再见!

素食者也可以饮用! 成分:特级南枣、炒白术、当归、川芎、熟地、炙甘草、水、白芍、白术、茯苓、党参、桂枝、红枣。

BaZhen - Botanical Beverage Mix Black Dates and 8 Herbs

  • Product Code: 8herbs001

Novavita Venture - Ba Zhen

Botanical Beverage Mix Black Dates & 8 Herbs

A Fast, effective way to increase your energy levels. This products belongs to the beauty supplement category.It is in the form ofliquid. Convenience, fast-acting, easy to digest and well absorbed by body for full effect. Contains collagen-boosting ingredients that help stimulate your body's natural collegen, elastin and keratin production for smoother, more supple complexion and Asisn firm, youthful-looking skin appearance.

It is recommended to be consumed once a day, 5 pumps (1g) at a time or as needed to achieve the effect of beauty and anti-aging enchancement after taking it 90 days.Ingredients

Aqua, Glycerine, Extract of Black Dates, Radix Codonopsis, Rehmannia Glutinosa, Fu Ling , Bai Shu, Gan Chao, Liqusticum Chuanxiong, White Peony, Dan Gui.


Spray 4-5 times or as needed to improve overall health




Novavita 八珍就是您的最佳选择~男女都适合饮用!


对于女性周期后,恢复元气达到粉嫩气色的状态,也能帮助面色苍白及头晕耳眩的症状补气养血。同时,还可消除疲劳提升精力! 相对起传统苦味的八珍汤,即饮八珍的味道带些清甜,而且没有苦味,较为美味,更能广泛被大众接受。 经期后就靠它来补血,向气虚头晕说再见!

素食者也可以饮用! 成分:特级南枣、炒白术、当归、川芎、熟地、炙甘草、水、白芍、白术、茯苓、党参、桂枝、红枣。

  • Brand: NOVAVITA
  • Viewed: 1402
  • Availability: In Stock


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